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The purpose of the stories - Reportage

When Wim Menders discovered the photos of Sebastiao Salgado, he was very impressed. One thing he understood by looking at his pictures: "This man really cares about human beings" (cit. "The salt of the earth"). 

I think this is the best observation you can make of a photographer who takes pictures of people. And I think that what Menders says about Salgado is true.

This sentence hit me. I felt, that this better defined my desire to tell people's stories.

Even if my voice is smaller, I'm interested too.

I find that the human being has infinite potential, for better or for worse. Someone said that we are the means throught by, the universe is aware of itself.

Photography instead represents our mirror.

Two Stories
Africa has rooted in me
My City
Spring from the suburbs
Italy  2022
Streets 'n Visions
Roaming Images
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